The annual Cruisin’ on Main Street Car Show is scheduled for Sunday, August 7 (rain dates are Aug. 14, Aug. 21). The show is from 10-3 and is, of course, located on downtown Main Street. As we have done for many years now, we will sell burgers, drinks & chips at the food court in the Forest Street parking lot and we are LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS.
As always, VOLUNTEERS for this car show are needed to prepare the day/night before the show, load the trailer early in the morning, transport food, etc., set up prior to inspection, cook, serve, cleanup, breakdown, etc. There will be a sign-up sheet posted in the lounge for all interested in helping out.
Working this event is a lot of fun and we can always use your help – even if it’s only for a few hours. Come on out for some good food, good company, GREAT cars and some laughs. If you have any questions at all, please see either of us.
Rain dates: Aug. 14 and 21