The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the U.S.A.
A Fraternal Organization
To inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to recognize a belief in God; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its Members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship; to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization, and to provide for its government, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America will serve the people and communities through benevolent programs, demonstrating that Elks Care and Elks Share.
We are…
A fraternal order with hundreds of thousands of members and a 150+ year history.
A network of nearly 2000 lodges in communities all over the country.
A generous charitable foundation that each year gives millions in scholarships, an inspiration to youth, a friend to veterans and more.
The Elks organization was founded in New York City on February 16, 1868 under the name "Jolly Corks" by 15 actors, entertainers and others associated with the theater. In ensuing years, membership expanded to other professions.
This Fraternal Order was founded "To promote and practice the four cardinal virtues of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American Patriotism and cultivate good fellowship."
“The faults of our members we write upon the sand, their virtues written upon the tablets of love and memory.”
Meet The Officers:
Holly June Jacobs
Exalted Ruler
Cindy Young, PER
Esteemed Leading Knight
Randy Dumond
Esteemed Loyal Knight
Kevin Wagner
Esteemed Lecturing Knight
Phil Stender, SVP, PDD, PER
Frank Cataldo
John Bowden II
John Roush
Cheryl Gousse
Inner Guard
Steve Corcoran
Tom Waldo
5 Year Trustee
Ed Burzawa
4 Year Trustee
Jake Jacobs
1 Year Trustee
History of Manchester No. 1893
For many years, the organization of a lodge of Elks in Manchester has been contemplated, but each time a beginning was made on the project, it was cancelled for one reason or another; either the time was not right financially, or wartime conditions interfered. Finally, on the evening of September 20, 1952, a group of interested Elks, members of Rockville Lodge, No. 1359, gathered at a local restaurant for the purpose of discussing an organization drive for an Elks Lodge in Manchester.
The interest and enthusiasm shown at this meeting prompted the proposal that further meetings be held and that each member who had been present bring another interested Elk to the next meeting to be held in two weeks. Several such meetings were held with steadily increasing attendance until it was decided that a committee of Elks should go ahead with organizing plans.
The committee decided to print applications for tentative membership in the proposed lodge and accept a small deposit which would be applied against the initiation fee if the lodge was instituted, or which would be returned should the plans fail, or the candidate fail to be accepted. The response was overwhelming. The committee was swamped by tentative applications.
It soon became necessary to seek larger quarters for meetings so that the prospective candidates might attend. Dilworth-Cornell-Quey Post. American Legion, kindly consented to allow the group to use its facilities on alternate Wednesday nights. These facilities have been used since that time for regular meetings of the prospective candidates.
At every meeting of the organizing group since the very beginning we have been fortunate to have the presence and advice of Past Exalted Ruler James M. Reardon, of New London Lodge, No. 360. Jim, who lives in Manchester, has given the group the benefit of his past experience and valuable connections in Elkdom, and has contributed a major share to the success of the project. Through his good offices we have been fortunate in securing speakers at each meeting to explain Elkdom to the incoming candidates.
We are also indebted to Past District Deputy Arthur Roy of Willimantic Lodge, No. 1311, for his friendly cooperation and advice.
Many guests and speakers from Connecticut Elkdom have given of their time and efforts at our meetings, and each has offered his assistance in every way possible.
The enthusiasm shown by the organizers and friends of the baby lodge seems to assure success for this new venture in Elkdom. We are sure that Rockville Lodge will have good reason to be proud of its first offspring, and that inter-lodge activities will create an ever-expanding future for both lodges. The potentialities for future growth seem to be unbounded.
Our first major project will be, of course, the acquisition of a home in which we can enjoy the social contacts of our brotherhood. We have great hopes that this ambition will be fulfilled in the not too distant future.
Organizing Committee
Vincent W. Ingraham
Charles W. Lathrop
James H. McVeigh
Everett E. Moore
James M. Reardon, PER
York Strangfeld
Daniel F. Verilli
Fearvante A. Vichi
Edward Edgar
George J. England
George R. English
Thomas F. Ferguson
Harry J. Firato
Walter R. Ferguson
William R. Frazier
Walter Grusha
Otto Herrmann
Source: Souvenir Program, Institution of the Manchester Lodge of Elks, No. 1893 Saturday, June 13, 1953