Flag Day Ceremony
It was an honor to share in such a beautiful ceremony honoring our Nation’s flag with fellow Manchester Elks members and the community. Having many Boy Scouts from Troop 25 and Troop 27 involved along with the St. James School students made the ceremony meaningful and memorable. St. James 6th grader, Tiffany Barbieri, did an amazing job delivering her winning essay and it certainly added more meaning to our flag ceremony and why we must appreciate and respect what our flag stands for.
The B.P.O.E. rituals are rich and educational for all ages. The respectful and dignified ceremonies for Flag Day and the Retirement of the Flag promoted patriotism and pride for everyone in the room. Thank you to all the Elks officers and members who contributed to making this a success and for upholding the tradition and passing it on to the younger generation.
God Bless America!
-Peter & Jamie DePaola, Flag Day Chairs